Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Works in progress--2015 DLP journal cover and black pages

the cover of my 2015 DLP journal (so far)

The Black pages...

I  am in love with black Gesso!  It is SO black. so MATTE black that everything is just sucked in.

these are works in progress, you may see them again...

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3
e 2

three Muses--Playing with photos

the original photo here is of a sculpture of a mother and child, and stands at the entrance to Hadlock Field, a minor league baseball park in Portland.  There are many sculptures there, celebrating children, play and baseball.
Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sunday Postcard Art--continuing thoughts for the new year

Images from Google and my stash, and the quote was found on Twitter, if all places.
something new, indeed!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Some thoughts on the turn of the year

It's been a rough one this year.  I won't bore you with details, because, compared to other lives, it feels like so much whining, but my stuff is as real as anyone's.

So looking ahead, I choose--

 Not to stress so much about what I can't change

To work on the changes I can make

To not want so much the things I can't have

To rejoice as often as I can for the things I do have

So I have chosen my word of intent for 2015, and it is


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

SOSS Christmas

This year I made Christmas postcards for my mail friends

Sunday, December 21, 2014

SPA--Christmas song

Mostly Christmas is a happy holiday, family and friends gather close to home and share their love and joy!  This card is not for them, except as a reminder, it's for everyone far from home and family this holiday... We miss you and wish you were here, we send you love and hope and prayers for safety...

I'll be home for Christmas
You can plan on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents on the tree
Christmas Eve will find me
Where the lovelight gleams
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

Collage Obsession--Little Black Dress

Image from Google, background made with pieces from Media Militia and Karen's Scraps.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Take a Word--Angel

a little reminiscence...

My Mom loved Christmas above all other holidays.  In my earliest memories she would send my dad and me, ans as they came, my sister and brother, out in the first week of December with a detailed description of the Christmas tree she wanted.  My dad tried so hard, but some years he had to break out the saw and drill to "improve" our tree.  There are ornaments on my mom'c collection that are way older than me--including one that my dad made in grade school in the 1930's.

But, her favorite Christmas decoration of all was angels!

She had dozens, maybe hundreds (one year I gave her a set of 12 ceramic angel candle holders--they were cream colored and when holding red candles they graced a shelf for several years.  Over those years , our family members gifted her with new angels every year, ceramic, spun glass, wood, straw, cloth, yarn and anything an angel could be made of.  once I gave her one quite like this.

Every time I see Christmas angel these days I get a little teary, and a little smiley for my mom who is surely a Christmas angel in God's heaven.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

ihanna's Spotted Photo Theme--Winter Trees

This month's spotted photo theme at ihanna's blog is Winter Trees. I took these photos in 2010, in my neighborhood in Boston.

The first is a shot through the front windshield of the car while driving down the VFW Parkway (I wasn't driving).  The parkway's median strip and both sides are home to quite possibly hundreds of huge old oak trees.  It's a beautiful sight any time of the year.

This shot is the parkway again, this time a view down the sidewalk..

This one is a branch of the hydrangea tree that grows outside my front window,  the dried bloom is dusted with snow and framed against the winter sky.  It's one of those photos that I look at and think..."did I really take that..."


This Christmas we are exploring the "naughty" side.  Images from Google and RHD Designs; quote found on Pinterest.

There's a snowman for everyone@

Found on Pinterest, pinned from buzzfeed.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

SPA and AEDM Day 30--Greetings from Abroad (And SOSS, too)

This week's theme at Sunday Postcard Art is "Greetings from Abroad."

I couldn't help myself...

images from Finecrafted Designs "Mixed Media Mayhem" kit.
Sharing with Art Every Day Month ans Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers,

AEDM day 29 Mail art envelope

 A 9 x 12 manila envelope, already full of goodies and ready to go.  Painted, stenciled, tape transfers, washi tape and doodling.

the yellow is the front and the pink is the reverse.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Tag a Long--Winter and AEDM day 28

digitally painted with Photoshop brushes.



i've enjoyed being the Queen of Snark these past days. Great fun reminding the hubby after the occasional zinger that "it's good to be the queen!"

Here's my vintage card.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

happy thanksgiving

Made this morning , just before tackling the turkey.  Connecting to AEDM Day 27

AEDM Day 26 Squares and Circles

doodling with Uniball pen and water color crayons

Monday, November 24, 2014

AEDM Days 21-22

Journal pages, postcard and two ATCs.

Painted and stenciled pages with tape transfers, magazine words, washi tape, cheesecloth, collaged papers.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sunday Postcard Art--moustache--and AEDM day 23

Photo of Salvadore Dali and his iconic moustaches, altered with filters, gradient maps and overlays.  The words are Nietzsche's.

Also linking to AEDM--Will be back with days 21 and 22 soon.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Tag-a Long and AEDM Day 20 -- Stenciled

Painted card stock, stenciled and embellished with tape transfers.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

AEDM Day 19 Collage

A page from my Collage journal.  Tape transfer over gelli printed journal page, handmade paper, washi tape, found text and acemic writing.  You can see the stenciling through the transparent transfer.

Three Muses--Time...and fruit flies

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Mail art--painted envelopes

In my job I print a lot of various sized envelopes for event invitation mailings.  There are always practice pieces and misprints: I used to just toss them, but it finally occurred to me that I could recycle them into mail art.

Here are a couple of works in progress, painted and stenciled with a make-up sponge.  they still need some embellishment--stamping, washi tape, transfers, stickers, etc.  and then they will go out  stuffed with artsy goodies.

AEDM--Days 17-18

A journal page I finished this morning.

Postcard, stenciled, with found poetry from my big box of words and phrases

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Take a Word--Mona

The many lives of Ms. Mona Lisa

sometimes they just make themselves...