Saturday, August 3, 2013

some random pieces

I found this photo of this beautiful young man on Google Images.  When I visited the page, I found it was his obituary.  The translation of the Spanish is here.

This Sunday, May 15, at approximately 2:30 pm, Eugenio Ernesto market Sánchez PACHELY, ceased to exist.... Excellent husband and father, a great friend but especially... Great person! Ex-companero of Group A of our beloved generation 71-74... Rest in peace...
All the elements are from ItKuPiLLi.
I'm With the Band
elements from itKuPiLLi, Beth Rimmer  Hidden Vintage Studios and Finecrafted Designs

1 comment:

  1. I love them both. The beautiful color palette and history of the first one and the sense of humor of the second.
