Monday, July 29, 2013

What I did this Summer

Or--what I learned from a stack of 3 x 5 index cards

{index card from 2011 challenge year}

For the folks doing in the index-card-a-day challenge, some questions to ponder!

    Have you tried new techniques, themes, mediums, materials, palettes, pens?

               98% my art is digital—so all these techniques are new, or long unpracticed for me.

    Do you look forward to your creative time each day?

O Yes!  I snatch bits of time where I can-at the office, on the train or the bus (I’m actually drawing zentangles) and I work in the evenings and weekends while listening to TV

  Have you made a little time each day for the past two months for a bit of art?

               Not every day, but most days I do.  And I can never make only one!

   What did you change about your schedule to allow time for art?

               I stopped doing nothing in the evenings—I think the art process is as least as relaxing.

How did you feel when you skipped a day?

OK, because I was always ahead, and even if I didn’t complete something, I made a foam stamp or two, or cut words and images out of old magazines, or painted a background, so the process went on.


    What was it like to make an extra card?

I couldn’t not make 2 or three cards at a time—I’m up to around 85 or so, and my goal is to fill a 100 page photo book.

    Do you carry art materials in your backpack or purse for those little gaps in your day?

I do, at lease a small journal, a few icads and some sharpies.

    Have your creative ideas bloomed or faded?

               They seem to be blooming.  This project has given me a lot of confidence in my own creativity.

    Are there any techniques or cards that you would like to create in a larger format?

               I think so, I’ve been getting interested in mail art and in art journals.

    What did you learn about yourself?

That I don’t have to be afraid to show my art, and that it doesn’t need to be “good enough” for anyone but me.  And I’m learning not to be afraid to try stuff.

    Will you continue your theme or series?

               At least through the 100 cards, but I think I will still carry the blank cards around after that.

    Are you ready for something fresh and new?

               Yep!  Soon I’m going to unpack the little sewing machine I bought and take off in that direction.

    Do you love flipping through your cards?
   I really, really do.

    Did you underestimate the impact of this simple challenge?

Yes!  I was sure I would go on for a week or two, run out of ideas or decide it was crappy and stop.

    Did this inexpensive, flimsy canvas surprise you?

               Yes, not only didn’t I stop, but most of my cards are NOT crappy at all.  It’s very empowering!

    Do you adore that pile of blank cards, that stack of potential?

               No, but I like them a lot.

    Did you surprise yourself?

               Yes, over and over again!

    Did you stick to the challenge?

               I did!

    Did you have fun posting to the Flickr group or the FB group?

I posted to the Flickr group and love the comments I got, and really enjoyed seeing what others created as well.  I loved the cards made by the kids!

    How many cards did you complete?

               Well over 80, and I’ll go to at least 100.

Thank you, Tammy, for this amazing challenge!  I don’t know if it will continue to be life-changing, but I sure hope so!


  1. How very interesting to read all this, Linda. I am quite inspired to try something like it, just one little artwork a day (at least), trying out techniques. I especially like your card with the green leaf above.

  2. That's a lot of questions to ponder. A few I will answer. I am not a quitter. If I start something, I realize it's going to take time and do it. Some days I hated doing it, but I set time aside, except for two days when I had company that took up all my time. I have handled the cards enough and really don't care if I ever see them again. That's sort of how I feel about ALL my art. Out of sight, out of mind. I might try a few new techniques if I knew any. But I'm a bit limited when it comes to art supplies, so I mostly made collages, and sewed.

    Loved this!! It was so enlightening. And your answers were so much more informative and unique than mine.

  3. This is wonderful and inspiring- it is so important to try different mediums. I'm doing canvas painting right now and it is SO different from digital- takes a lot of patience and no undo buttons. So glad you are compiling a book of your icads!

  4. wonderful experience for sure (reminds me a bit of my daily "scrapsquares" project two years ago...)
    great to read you came more into mailart as well!

  5. 100 cards - you're brilliant! Love that you set your own goal for the challenge :)

  6. wow! admiring your ability to stick with it! thanks for sharing your journey.
