Friday, March 30, 2012

photo art friday--a path or road

This week we have the option of showcasing any piece of photo art, OR a piece featuring our interpretation of a path or a road.

So, while not a path per se...the potential of a journey
I uses Dappled Dawn and Yesteryear.


  1. This is a great composition with the yellow boat in the background. Love how the colours have popped.

  2. Hi Linda, It's nice to meet you! I live in Wayland and one of my sons lives in JP and the other in Sommerville. I like your boats, just waiting for someone to take them out. I've just started looking through your blog and I am looking forward to exploring more. I also work for a non-profit; a little VNA in Wayland. Hope to see you again in our blogs!

  3. Very nice. I love the rich, warm feel of your piece.

  4. Very nice. I love the rich, warm feel of your piece.

  5. your processing is great Linda, as is you photo!

  6. Yes - there are many ways to travel offered in this piece. Your framing sets it off beautifully. Thank you for sharing your artwork with PAF Linda.

  7. What a grand enhancement of colors. I like this look a lot.

  8. So inviting - makes me want to jump right in.

  9. Nicely processed. Alluring scene!
