My, goodness--Haloween is certainly in the air. Sunday Postcard Art is asking us all to take a trip to our dark side this week. I love visiting there.
I have always been fascinated by sorcerers and witches; those people unafraid to attempt to control their own or others' destinies by use of magic. It doesn't always work out so well, but how brave to defy convention in that way.
Anyway here is my unrepentant sorceress. I love the look in her eye.
The image is from a family portrait I found on Art-e-zine a long time ago. She has appeared before in my Halloween pieces; the background is by ShironekoEuro at T4L.
The rest was done with brushes, most of them from Annika Von Holdt. Others were from InObscuro and PsyDoxArt.